With our x2 wheels and fenders fitted we went off to explore Te Onepoto Bay area. This is a quiet little bay just across from State Highway 1 in Porirua just North of Wellington City on the Titahi Bay peninsular.
The first part of the trip was easy going along the shoreline until we came to a fork in the road, one leading to a style and the other, a gravel track going up hill. Being adventurous we headed up the hill, at the top of which we were greeted by a fantastic view of the golf course below and on the other side a wonder view of Paremata and Papkowhai.
Further up we came up to another style before everything stated going downhill, literally! Instead of a walking track we were instead faced with less than a dirt track and ruts as deep as .... well, there were deep! This 200 meters stretch of 'path' took us over an hour to negotiate, but we did it and now that we know that it is there we will avoid it in the future!
Finally down at Onehunga Bay, we took a well deserved break. The trip back was mainly across gravel and no tricky bits until we got to the other side of the style that had blocked us earlier.
The only way to get around this was either to go all the way back and find an alternative route or .......
as luck would have it, there was just enough dry mud to get around on the watery side.
It took a bit of too-ing and fro-ing and in 5 minutes we were back on our way!
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